ValleyCare Medical Logo
Unit E 310 8th Street
Courtenay, BC
V9N 1N3

Mon-Fri: 8am-4pm

Sat & Sun: Closed

Phone: 250-331-0500

Fax: 250-331-0553

Birth Control


ValleyCare Medical Clinic

The Mirena and Kyleena IUCD’s are most commonly prescribed at this clinic, both are covered by BC Medical.


Many benefit plans pay for the Mirena, or part of it, so it may be the cheapest choice. Only 1/1000 patients per year will get pregnant and the periods will be lighter and easier. The amount of hormone in a Mirena is much less than birth control pills, patches or shots so there are very few hormone side effects. About 10% of people will get the IUCD removed for hormone side effects such as weight gain, mood changes or acne. Most people get some spotting in the first month or two after their Mirena has been inserted. IUCD’s last for years and are put into the uterus by the doctor.


These are smaller and have less hormone than Mirena. They are a good choice for people who just want contraception and do not have very heavy painful periods.​ 

Average amount of hormone (levonorgestrel) released:
— Mirena 14 mcg/day-Lasts 5-7 years

— Kyleena 9 mcg/day-Lasts 5 years

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Contraceptive Implants

ValleyCare Medical Clinic

Contraceptive Implants Are Here!

Contraceptive Implants Are Here!

Now available at ValleyCare Medical. Canada has the most popular brand available, Nexplanon. The cost is covered by BC Medical.

A contraceptive implant is a small rod inserted under the skin of your arm. It releases a hormone, etonogestrel. The hormone prevents ovulation, when the egg is released from the ovary. This is the same way that birth control pills work. Nexplanon is similar to a progesterone-only pill in respect to side effects.

The insertion: The doctor injects the area (inside of upper arm) with a local anaesthetic, then inserts the small rod. Some bruising may appear afterwards. Having the Nexplanon removed is a similar process, the difference being the rod comes out. No stitches are required, just a few simple steristrips.

Nexplanon effectiveness: If 1000 people use it for one year, it expected that 1 of those 1000 will become pregnant.
It is similar to surgical sterilization in effectiveness.

 Nexplanon FAQ's

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Other Contraception

ValleyCare Medical Clinic

Birth Control Pill (oral)

Most are covered by MSP. With this method you will take a pill every day, when used correctly there’s a 98-99% effective rate.

The estrogen level is between 20-35mcg (depending on brand) + progesterone.

A back up method of contraception is required if a pill is missed for more then 12 hours.

Depo Provera (shot)

This method requires an injection to be given every 3 months, with a 99.7% effective rate.

This is progesterone only, no estrogen.

A back up method of contraception is required if the next injection is missed by more then a week.

Ring (Nuvaring)

Put one ring in your vagina for 3 weeks each month. It’s 98-99% effective when used correctly.

The estrogen level is 15 mcg + progesterone.

If you forget to put in a new ring on the right day or took it out for more than 3 hours during the 3 weeks, use a back-up method.

For more information on sexual and reproductive health click on the button below

 Sex & U



Closed Monday February 17th

Re-open February 18th

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